Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters (1900–2024): Insights from Different Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives
1. Introduction
Literature Review Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Disasters
2. Methods
2.1. Hypothetical Framework
2.2. Data Collection and Preparation
Identification and Sourcing of Key Socio-Economic Indicators
2.3. Analyses
Analysis of the geographical distribution of disasters by continents for the period from 1900 to 2024. This included calculating the total number and percentage of different types of disasters on each continent. The geographical distribution was analyzed to identify regions with the highest frequency of disasters and to determine the specific characteristics of disasters in those regions, including their type, frequency, severity, and the resulting impacts on local communities and infrastructure.
Detailed analysis of the frequency of disasters by countries, including the identification of countries most affected by different types of disasters. The analysis included quantifying the number of events by country and assessing their impact on human and economic resources.
Analysis of temporal trends in the frequency of natural and technological disasters in 10- and 5-year intervals. This analysis enabled the identification of changes in the frequency and types of disasters over time, as well as the identification of periods with the highest disaster frequency.
3. Results
3.1. Geographical Distribution of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters
3.1.1. In-Depth Analysis of Disaster Distribution by Continent with Comprehensive Supporting Data

- (a)
Earthquakes: Asia recorded the highest number of earthquakes (3.68%), followed by Europe (0.63%) and North America (0.65%). Oceania experienced the fewest earthquakes (0.22%);
- (b)
Volcanic activity: volcanic activity was most prevalent in Asia (0.43%), while North America and South America each reported 45 events (0.17%). Europe had the least volcanic activity (0.04%);
- (c)
Floods: floods were most frequent were in Asia (9.40%), with significant occurrences in Africa (4.80%) and North America (2.66%). Oceania had the fewest flood events (0.62%);
- (d)
Water-related disasters (This category includes a wide range of water-related disasters, not just floods. It also covers incidents like glacial lake outburst floods and coastal erosion. The common thread is that water plays a crucial role in causing these events): these disasters were predominantly seen in Asia (2.72%), followed by Africa (2.17%) and North America (0.38%). Oceania experienced the least (0.05%);
- (e)
Mass movement (wet): Asia experienced the most mass movement (wet) events (1.70%), followed by South America (0.60%) and Africa (0.26%). Oceania had the fewest (0.07%);
- (f)
Drought: Africa reported the highest number of droughts (1.40%), while Asia had 0.69% and North America had 0.39% events. Oceania recorded the least, with 34 events (0.13%);
- (g)
Extreme temperature: Europe led in extreme temperature events (1.15%), followed by Asia (0.77%) and North America (0.27%). On the other hand, Oceania had the fewest events (0.03%);
- (h)
Storms: North America experienced the most storms (5.18%), followed by Asia (7.35%) and Europe (2.23%). South America reported the least, with 0.41 events;
- (i)
Epidemics: epidemics were most common were in Africa (3.48%), followed by Asia (1.40%) and North America (0.39%). Oceania recorded the fewest, with 0.09% of events;
- (j)
Wildfires: North America led in wildfire events (0.56%), followed by Europe (0.48%) and South America (0.19%). Asia had the fewest wildfires, with only 69 events (0.27%).

- (a)
Air disasters: Asia reported the highest number of air disaster events (1.21%), followed by Europe (0.90%) and North America (0.72%). Oceania had the fewest, with 0.08% of events;
- (b)
Chemical spills: North America recorded the most chemical spill events (0.18%), while Asia reported 0.08% of events. Oceania had the least, with one incident (0.00%);
- (c)
Industrial and miscellaneous collapses: Asia led in industrial collapses (0.34%) and miscellaneous collapses (0.60%). Africa followed by industrial collapses (0.27%) and miscellaneous collapses (0.24%);
- (d)
Explosions: industrial explosions were most frequent in Asia with 509 events (1.97%), while miscellaneous explosions were also highest in Asia with 118 events (0.46%). Oceania had the fewest events in both categories, with four industrial explosions and zero miscellaneous explosions;
- (e)
Fires (industrial and miscellaneous): North America recorded the most industrial fire events (0.09%) and miscellaneous fire events (0.43%). Oceania had the fewest events in both categories, with zero industrial fires and seven miscellaneous fires;
- (f)
Gas leaks and oil spills: gas leaks were most common in Asia (0.15%), while oil spills were rare globally, with North America and Asia each reporting only a few events (three and two, respectively);
- (g)
Poisoning and radiation events: Poisoning events were highest in Asia (0.19%), and radiation events were minimal worldwide, with North America and Asia each reporting only a few events (one and four, respectively);
- (h)
Rail and road disasters: road disasters were highly prevalent in Asia (4.15%) and in Africa (4.37%). Rail disasters were more common in Asia (1.11%) and in Europe (0.47%).
3.1.2. In-Depth Analysis of Disaster Distribution by Country with Comprehensive Supporting Data

- (1)
China ranks first with a total of 1996 disaster events, comprising 7.54% of the global total. Natural disasters make up 50.70% (1012 events) of China’s total, while man-made (technological) disasters account for 49.30% (984 events). The top five disasters in China included industrial accidents (15.08%), storms (14.73%), floods (14.53%), droughts (14.28%), and epidemics (14.23%);
- (2)
India follows with 1581 disaster events (5.97% of the global total). Natural disasters represent 49.08% (776 events), and man-made (technological) disasters represent 50.92% (805 events). The most frequent disasters were epidemics (15.50%), industrial accidents (14.86%), droughts (14.80%), floods (14.29%), and epidemics again (14.17%);
- (3)
The USA is third with 1513 disaster events (5.72% of the global total). Natural disasters dominate with 76.14% (1152 events), and man-made (technological) disasters constitute 23.86% (361 events). The top disasters included epidemics (15.27%), industrial accidents (14.87%), droughts (14.47%), floods (14.41%), and wildfires (13.88%);
- (4)
The Philippines ranks fourth with 938 disaster events (3.54% of the global total). Natural disasters account for 74.41% (698 events), and man-made (technological) disasters account for 25.59% (240 events). The leading disasters were industrial accidents (16.10%), storms (14.71%), droughts (14.50%), epidemics (14.39%), and wildfires (14.18%);
- (5)
Indonesia is fifth with 878 disaster events (3.32% of the global total). Natural disasters make up 70.73% (621 events), while man-made (technological) disasters account for 29.27% (257 events). The most common disasters were floods (16.40%), earthquakes (15.15%), droughts (15.03%), epidemics (14.81%), and wildfires (13.44%);
- (6)
Bangladesh ranks sixth with 588 disaster events (2.22% of the global total). Natural disasters constitute 61.73% (363 events), and man-made (technological) disasters account for 38.27% (225 events). The top disasters included floods (15.99%), droughts (15.14%), industrial accidents (15.14%), epidemics (14.97%), and storms (13.27%);
- (7)
Nigeria is seventh with 523 disaster events (1.98% of the global total). Man-made disasters are prevalent, accounting for 72.66% (380 events), while natural disasters make up 27.34% (143 events). The leading disasters were wildfires (16.63%), storms (16.44%), industrial accidents (14.72%), epidemics (14.53%), and droughts (13.38%);
- (8)
Pakistan is eighth with 504 disaster events (1.90% of the global total). Natural disasters represent 50.40% (254 events), and man-made (technological) disasters represent 49.60% (250 events). The most frequent disasters included floods (15.08%), wildfires (15.08%), storms (14.88%), industrial accidents (14.29%), and epidemics (13.89%);
- (9)
Mexico ranks ninth with 481 disaster events (1.82% of the global total). Natural disasters make up 63.20% (304 events), and man-made (technological) disasters make up 36.80% (177 events). The top disasters were wildfires (17.88%), epidemics (15.59%), floods (15.18%), droughts (13.51%), and epidemics again (12.89%);
- (10)
Japan is tenth with 464 disaster events (1.75% of the global total). Natural disasters are dominant, comprising 83.84% (389 events), while man-made (technological) disasters account for 16.16% (75 events). The leading disasters included wildfires (17.24%), earthquakes (15.73%), storms (15.09%), droughts (14.44%), and industrial accidents (13.79%).

3.2. Temporal Distribution of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters
3.2.1. Yearly and Monthly Trends in Occurrences of Natural and Man-Made Disasters

- (a)
From 1900–1910, there were 101 total disaster events, with natural disasters comprising 78.22% (79 events) and man-made (technological) disasters 21.78% (22 events). The overall trend was stable, with no significant change in the rate of disasters;
- (b)
Between 1911–1920, a total of 121 disaster events were recorded, showing an increase of 19.57% from the previous decade. Natural disasters made up 64.46% (78 events), while man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 35.54% (43 events). This decade marks the beginning of an upward trend in disaster events;
- (c)
During the 1921–1930 period, the number of disaster events increased to 132, a 7.40% rise from the previous decade. Natural disasters constituted 80.30% (106 events), and man-made (technological) disasters constituted 19.70% (26 events). The upward trend continued;
- (d)
From 1931–1940, there were 217 disaster events, representing a significant increase of 42.20%. Natural disasters made up 61.29% (133 events), while man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 38.71% (84 events). This decade saw a substantial rise in the number of disasters;
- (e)
In the 1941–1950 decade, the number of disasters increased to 281, an 11.73% rise from the previous decade. Natural disasters comprised 60.85% (171 events), and man-made (technological) disasters comprised 39.15% (110 events). The trend of increasing disaster events persisted;
- (f)
From 1950–1960, there were 378 disaster events, marking a 10.05% increase. Natural disasters accounted for 82.01% (310 events), while man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 17.99% (68 events). This decade continued the upward trend;
- (g)
The 1961–1970 period saw the number of disasters rise to 690, a 13.59% increase. Natural disasters constituted 86.09% (594 events) and man-made (technological) disasters 13.91% (96 events). The trend of increasing disasters continued;
- (h)
Between 1970–1980, a total of 1144 disaster events were recorded, a 6.10% rise from the previous decade. Natural disasters made up 76.14% (871 events), while man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 23.86% (273 events). The upward trend in disaster frequency persisted;
- (i)
From 1981–1990, the number of disasters significantly increased to 2718, a 5.33% rise from the previous decade. Natural disasters constituted 64.57% (1755 events), and man-made (technological) disasters 35.43% (963 events). This decade saw a substantial rise in disaster events;
- (j)
In the 1991–2000 period, there were 4995 disaster events, a 1.71% increase. Natural disasters made up 59.20% (2957 events), while man-made (technological) disasters were 40.80% (2038 events). The trend of increasing disasters continued;
- (k)
From 2001–2010, the number of disasters rose to 7651, a 0.70% increase. Natural disasters accounted for 58.35% (4464 events), while man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 41.65% (3187 events). This decade continued the upward trend;
- (l)
Between 2011–2020, the number of disasters decreased to 5713, marking a decrease of 0.44%. Natural disasters made up 65.78% (3758 events), and man-made (technological) disasters made up 34.22% (1955 events). This decade saw the beginning of a downward trend;
- (m)
From 2021–2024, there were 2323 disaster events, marking a decrease of 2.49%. Natural disasters constituted 75.20% (1747 events), and man-made (technological) disasters accounted for 24.80% (576 events). It is important to recognize that this analysis for this period is based on a period of only four years, which is notably shorter than the previous decades under review. This limited timeframe may not adequately reflect longer-term trends and could be subject to short-term fluctuations in disaster occurrences. As a result, while the data suggest a decline, it is advisable to interpret these findings with caution and avoid drawing definitive conclusions from such a brief period. (Table 4 and Figure 7).

3.2.2. Yearly and Monthly Trends in Consequences of Natural and Man-Made Disasters

4. The Impact of Socio-Economic Indicators on the Distribution and Consequences of Disasters

5. Discussion
6. Recommendations

7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Share and Cite
Cvetković, V.M.; Renner, R.; Aleksova, B.; Lukić, T. Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters (1900–2024): Insights from Different Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 8129.
Cvetković VM, Renner R, Aleksova B, Lukić T. Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters (1900–2024): Insights from Different Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(18):8129.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Cvetković, Vladimir M., Renate Renner, Bojana Aleksova, and Tin Lukić. 2024. “Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters (1900–2024): Insights from Different Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives” Applied Sciences 14, no. 18: 8129.
APA Style
Cvetković, V. M., Renner, R., Aleksova, B., & Lukić, T. (2024). Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Natural and Man-Made (Technological) Disasters (1900–2024): Insights from Different Socio-Economic and Demographic Perspectives. Applied Sciences, 14(18), 8129.