Development and Improvement of the Communication Strategy of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management
The Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management lacks a communication strategy that would enhance the organization’s activities in improving the safety of people in disaster situations in the Republic of Serbia. The absence of such a strategic document prevents the organization from significantly influencing the awareness of citizens and decision-makers in the area of protection and rescue in disaster situations.
Expanding on this issue, the absence of a well-defined communication strategy leads to a lack of coordinated efforts in raising public awareness, disseminating crucial information, and advocating for stronger policies. Without a clear communication roadmap, the organization misses opportunities to engage effectively with stakeholders, from local communities to national authorities, which limits its impact on both preventative measures and emergency responses.
3.2. What is the goal of the project?
The overall goal of the project is to improve the communication strategy of the Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, which will strengthen the organization’s advocacy capacities in improving the safety of people during disaster situations in the Republic of Serbia. Given that the organization currently lacks a communication strategy, the project aims to define activities and engage a consultant who would help the organization enhance its advocacy position in processes related to defining and disseminating campaigns that improve the institutional and legal framework of the Republic of Serbia in the field of disaster management, while aligning with European Union regulations and standards.
By improving the organization’s communication standards, the following changes will be enabled: a stronger impact on raising public awareness and knowledge in the field of disaster situations; better connections between the organization, decision-makers, and citizens to influence reform processes in line with European standards and directives; improved external and internal communication, further strengthening the organization; enabling direct influence on the wider population, thereby accelerating reform processes in the field of disaster management, etc.
In terms of specific project objectives, the following changes will be achieved to foster the organization’s development: improved communication among all organization members; enhanced communication between the organization and external entities significant for protection and rescue in disaster situations; strengthened communication with all international organizations relevant for knowledge and experience exchange, particularly in terms of aligning with EU scientific and institutional standards in disaster situations; a developed and reinforced advocacy position through national and international campaigns; a higher level of public awareness about the organization’s work and its influence on reform processes in the country.
3.3. How does the project contribute to the development of the organization and the initiation of new ideas?
The project will conduct the necessary analyses required for the creation of a communication strategy that will enable the achievement of the previously mentioned goals. Therefore, the result of the project will be a comprehensively written and adopted communication strategy that will allow the further development of external and internal communication with all relevant entities and forces in disaster protection and rescue.
To achieve the project’s goal of creating a communication strategy, the following activities will be carried out: content analysis to collect data beneficial for improving the organization’s communication; this analysis will help identify all relevant problems; analysis of the organization’s micro and macro environment; implementation of a SWOT analysis that will allow the organization to identify its strengths (e.g., what are our advantages in communication? What are we doing right? What communication resources do we have? Do we have a person/department that deals with these issues? What do others see as our strengths?) and weaknesses (e.g., what can we improve in communication? What are we doing wrong? What should we avoid?), as well as to examine potential threats/obstacles (e.g., what resources do we have? What media are we using? What are we doing wrong, and how can we improve? What threats surround us?); analysis of public opinion and their attitudes towards the organization and key issues; conducting quantitative research regarding the organization’s communication; public segmentation; designing campaigns for segmented audiences; planning the schedule of all planned activities and understanding how each activity is connected with other aspects of the strategy over time; defining the budget for improving communication with the public; developing tools for continuous monitoring of indicators related to the efficiency of the organization’s communication.
3.4. Achieved results
Through the project, the necessary analyses for the development of the communication strategy will be carried out, enabling the fulfillment of the aforementioned objectives. The project outcome will be a comprehensive and well-developed communication strategy that will facilitate the further development of external and internal communication with all relevant entities and disaster protection and rescue forces.
Sustainability of the project solutions related to organizational development and the initiation of new ideas
After the project’s completion, which pertains to the development of the organization’s communication strategy, the NSD-URVS will continue all activities throughout its future existence, considering that the goals set forth in its Statute align with the objectives of this project, which is to influence the improvement of disaster management in Serbia. This strategy will become a foundation for sustainable progress, enabling the organization to continually adapt and refine its communication practices in response to emerging challenges and opportunities in disaster risk management.
A Predictive Model of Community Disaster Resilience based on Social Identity Influences
The territory of Serbia is vulnerable to various types of natural and man-made disasters. The risk is not equal across the entire territory, depending on the type of hazard and the expected potential for damage. So far, the level of community disaster resilience has not been determined in Serbia. There are no scientific preconditions for its improvement to reduce the future material and intangible consequences of disasters. Regarding that, the project’s main objective is to develop and validate a predictive model of community disaster resilience based on social identity influences through an investigation impact of social identity indicators on the level of community disaster resilience in Serbia. The project is based on the upcoming research on whether the level of community disaster resilience can be predicted based on social identity indicators, how social identity indicators affect different dimensions of community disaster resilience, and how disasters shape social identity. The project is based on multimethod research in which quantitative (face-to-face interviews in 40 of the 191 municipalities), and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) research methodology will be applied. A developed predictive model with an index of community disaster resilience in Serbia will empower the creation of preconditions for designing public policies, strategies and procedures for improving resilience and reducing the consequences of disasters on people and their property and enhancing citizens’ security. The project will encourage the prediction of community disaster resilience based on social identity indicators, improving disaster foresight and preparing to limit disaster losses. Based on the development of analytical frameworks for understanding community disaster resilience and social identity in disasters, essential preconditions for designing innovative information systems will be created to enable local communities to increase their level of resilience.
Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy Development Disaster Risk Management Consultant - UNDP consultant (2022)
He provided expertise in the disaster risk management area in the development of Ex-Ante Analysis for the new Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027 (the Strategy), drafting of the Strategy and an accompanying Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy.
Phase I: Ex-Ante Analysis for the new Strategy
1. Conduct initial document/data collection and desk review, including background analysis and stakeholder analysis;
2. In collaboration with the Strategy Development Consultant conduct SWOT analysis:
– Interpret the data obtained through questionaries for Ex-Ante Analysis for the SWG in the context of SWOT analysis;
– Conduct a consultative process with representatives of the SWG to review and agree on the content of the SWOT analysis and
– Conduct SWOT analysis in collaboration with the Strategy Development Consultant.
3. Collaborate with the Strategy Development Consultant in developing Ex-Ante Analysis Paper which shall at least include:
– Analysis of existing state and identify the change to be achieved by implementation of public policies measure, conditions for that change, and cause-and-effect relationships between these conditions;
– Established general and specific objectives of public policy, with accompanying indicators to measure the achievement of results;
– Identifying options (at least two feasible options, apart from the ‘status quo’) – potential measures or group of measures for achieving the objectives and resources for their implementation;
– Analysis of the effects of options – analysis of financial, social, economic, environmental and managerial effects, mapping of effects, applied analytical tools, risk assessment and scenario analysis for each of the option;
– Defined criteria, comparation process and selection of an optimal option or an optimal combination of considered options;
– Defined type of the public policy document, that is, the regulations by which they will intervene;
– Identified necessary resources for implementation and monitoring of the Strategy and established indicators at the level of measures.
Phase II: Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027 and the Action Plan
1. Collaborate with the Strategy Development Consultant in developing the Draft Proposal of the Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027 which shall at least include:
– Introduction (legal basis and reasons for drafting and passing the Strategy, and information on the institutions involved in its development);
– Data on the public policy documents and legal framework of relevance to the Strategy and mutual links;
– Description of the current situation (situation analysis) in the respective area of public policies, including ex-post analysis, with reference to available studies and analysis documenting the problem and the need for intervention;
– Definition of desired changes (vision, i.e. desired situation and causal links, identification of desired change with its elements and causal relation, and identification of interested or impacted parties or individuals);
– Definition of objectives – the overall objective and up to 5 specific objectives of the policy established by the Strategy or other relevant policy, strategic or planning document, and indicators at both level of objectives, with provided baseline and target values, and sources of verification.
– Identification of measures and alternative measures for achieving the objectives, with identification and formulation of output indicators at the level of measure, as well as a brief overview of projects to implement these measures;
– Conducting analysis of measures through assessing their effects on individuals and legal entities, analysing their social and economic effects and environmental impact, as well as managerial effects with special emphasis on gender equality and impact on micro, small and medium enterprises. This analysis shall be performed for each of the considered options, and the Consultant shall prepare a Report on the analysis of measures.
– Identified mechanisms for the implementation of measures with information on the lead institution, assessment of needed financial and other material resources, information on the manner of funding sources and their provision, as well as deadlines for the implementation of measures;
– Defined ways for assessing the achieved results and efficiency of the public policy document, including identification of key output indicators at the level of overall and specific objectives for measuring efficacy and efficiency of implementation of established public policies and sources of verification of these results;
– Defined mechanism for reporting on results with clearly stated responsibility for notification on the Strategy implementation, reporting scope and deadlines;
– Information on results of conducted consultation with clearly stated attitudes of consulted groups on the considered alternative measure, followed by justification on their adoption or refusal;
– Assessment of financial resources needed for the realisation of each of the measure and identification of their funding sources;
– Assessment of financial effects on the state budget in line with the Law on Budget System of the realisation of each of the measure, and if in the budget for the current year the what basis on which these funds are provided; and
– Information on the regulations to be adopted or amended to implement the measures.
2. Collaborate with the Strategy Development Consultant in developing the Action Plan for the Implementation of Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management for the period 2022-2027 which shall at least include:
– Link to the Strategy, and the overall and specific objectives with accompanying indicators, baseline and targets, and sources of verification from the Strategy;
– Public Policy Measures from the Strategy, referred to a specific objective, with included type (regulatory, incentive, information-educative, organisational-managerial-institutional or secure goods or providing services by participants within the planning system), institutions and partners (if any) responsible for implementation, monitoring and control, assessment of financial resources and their funding sources (budgetary, programme and/or project, or marked conditional if funding is not certain), deadlines, outcome indicator, and sources of verification.
– Assessment of financial resources needed for the realisation of each of the measure and identification of their funding sources, programme activity or project in the programme budget, or donor project.
– Assessment of financial effects on the state budget in line with the Law on Budget System of realisation of each of the measure, and if in the budget for the current year the what basis on which these funds are provided.
– List of activities in referral to each of the specific measures with clearly noted deadlines for implementation, institution(s) and partners (if any) responsible for their implementation, whether it is critical for the realisation of the specific measure, and if activity is a part of the EU negotiations process the reference to a specific chapter(s).
– Information on the regulations to be adopted or amended to implement the measures, if applicable.
3. Conduct a consultative process with representatives of the SWG, including scientific and professional institutions and individuals, international organisations (e.g. UNDP, UNDRR and OSCE) and donors, with the observer status in a form of an extended SWG to review and agree on the content of the Strategy and the Action Plan. This process shall include preparation of material for the SWG, moderating the discussion, receiving and consolidating expressed comments and suggestions for improvement, and incorporating them in the respective document.
4. The Consultant is obliged to send draft material to the members of the SWG at least two weeks before the SWG meeting.
5. Prepare Final Proposal of the Strategy and the Action Plan in cooperation with the Special Task Group for the Public Debate. Participate in the Public debate on the subject documents and, on the basis of Public Debate Report, reflect accepted comments and suggestion for improvement in the Proposal of the Strategy and the Action Plan.
EU Support to Flood Prevention and Forest Fires Risk Management in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Na međunarodnom konkursu (IPA FF Local expert) raspisanom od strane međunarodnog konzorcijuma, doc. dr Vladimir M. Cvetković sa Fakulteta bezbednosti, Univerziteta u Beogradu, izabran je za lokalnog eksperta iz oblasti upravljanja rizicima od katastrofa u Srbiji i zvanično angažovan na međunarodnom projektu podržanom od strane Generalnog direktorata ECHO-a, Evropske komisije za evropsku civilnu zaštitu i operacije humanitarne pomoći (DG ECHO). Nakon evaluacije CV i obavljenog intervjua sa predstavnicima konzorcijuma doneta je gore spomenuta odluka.
The international consortium established by the Italian Civil Protection Department jointly with the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (URSZR), the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the Fire Rescue Brigade of Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic (FRB-MSR), the National Center for Disaster Management Foundation, Romania (CN APELL-RO) and CIMA Research Foundation, Italy (CIMA)
Tthe 3-years “EU Support to Flood Prevention and Forest Fires Risk Management in the Western Balkans and Turkey
IPA FF” program under the grant agreement signed with the European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).
The scope of IPA FF is to support Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey (the “Partners”) in further aligning with the EU legislation and adapting to EU practices in civil protection. In particular, the program provides Partners with support and technical assistance to improve the legal and institutional framework related to the EU Floods Directive (“EUFD”), and institutional coordination among all the actors involved in the EUFD implementation and to improve prevention, preparedness and capacity to respond to forest fires at central, regional and EU level.
Within this context IPA FF objectives under different work-packages include:
a) to improve Partners’ capacity to develop Flood Risk management Plans and develop or strengthen early warning systems procedures for floods at local and central level;
b) to improve capacities for flood risk management at transboundary level;
c) to provide technical support for developing risk assessment and risk management capabilities for forest fires;
d) to establish, equip and train ground forest firefighting modules in line with the Union Civil Protection Mechanism provisions;
e) to develop border crossing protocols and Host Nation Support (“HNS”) protocols according to the EU Guidelines on Host Nation Support.
CIMA Research Foundation – International Centre on Environmental Monitoring (“CIMA”), an Italian non-profit foundation active in the fields of Civil Protection, Early Warning Systems, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation, Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conservation, is the partner within the IPA FF consortium responsible also for the centralized administrative and financial management of program resources.
The territory of Serbia is vulnerable to various types of natural hazards, and the risk is not uniform across the entire territory; it varies depending on the type of hazard and the expected damage potential. Seismic hazards, landslides, rockfalls, floods, flash floods, excessive erosion, droughts, and forest fires are some of the significant natural hazards in Serbia; these natural processes can directly and indirectly endanger the environment, the population, and material assets. The current state of disaster protection in Serbia is characterized by incomplete and inaccessible information about potential natural disaster risks and their consequences, as well as insufficient public participation. There is also a lack of capacity among local authorities, professional services, and consultants to adopt a modern approach to disaster risk management. The current situation is further marked by the absence of a unified database on the spatial distribution of certain natural disasters, i.e., the identification of potentially critical zones (floods, landslide registers, torrents, etc.). The overall state of the disaster protection system in Serbia is unsatisfactory, particularly regarding the spatial aspects of risk management. Despite the increasing number, frequency, and intensity of natural disasters, Serbia has not conducted a comprehensive scientific study to identify weaknesses and opportunities for improving the disaster risk management system. In this context, the main goal of the project is “Strengthening the Integrated Disaster Risk Management System in Serbia – DISARIMES.” The project results will strengthen the disaster risk management system through research, development, and the implementation of innovative solutions in the phases of preparedness (education and training of the local population, etc.), mitigation, response, recovery, and post-disaster phases. The scientific significance of the planned research lies in creating opportunities to improve theoretical and empirical knowledge in the scientific field of disaster risk management and its application in practice, recognizing that this is a relatively young scientific discipline in Serbia. The project’s findings will help decision-makers in Serbia understand the system’s shortcomings and offer innovative opportunities to improve its functioning in the face of increasingly frequent and severe disasters. By establishing a scientific and professional society in disaster risk management, sustainable and necessary conditions will be created for the transfer and enhancement of knowledge and experience crucial to improving the operational capacity of the Serbian protection and rescue system in case of a disaster. A key contribution of the research findings will be the creation of a sustainable knowledge base, supported by relevant information on innovative capabilities and solutions identified as necessary to significantly enhance social resilience. Additionally, the project will include educational activities for local populations in various communities. To achieve the set goals, DISARIMES will enable the clear identification and systematic categorization of objective shortcomings and barriers encountered by Serbia’s disaster risk management system across all phases—before, during, and after disasters—through numerous SWOT analyses and other multimethod studies, allowing for the identification and application of appropriate solutions. The project’s goals include: assessing and identifying the strengths (advantages), weaknesses (shortcomings), opportunities (innovation potential), and threats to Serbia’s disaster risk management system; developing and updating an RDI (research, development, innovation) roadmap—a database of innovative solutions and other relevant information for improving the disaster risk management system; fully developing the DISARIMES scientific-professional network, which includes a wide range of disaster risk management scientists and civil protection professionals and organizations; preparing the ground for innovations in disaster risk management policy; and educating and training the local population for proper response in emergencies.
1. Excellence
1.1. Goals
The increasing risk of disasters, accompanied by growing vulnerability of people and their assets, directly imposes the need for a responsible society in Serbia to improve its resilience. It requires a serious re-examination of the needs and opportunities for improving the existing disaster risk management system. The territory of Serbia is sensitive to various types of disasters, and the risk is not uniform across the country; it varies depending on the type of hazard and expected damage potential. Seismic hazards, landslides, rockfalls, floods, flash floods, excessive erosion, droughts, and forest fires are some of the significant natural hazards in Serbia; these natural processes can directly and indirectly threaten the environment, the population, and material goods. The current state of protection against natural disasters in Serbia is characterized by the incompleteness and inaccessibility of information about potential natural disaster risks and the consequences they may cause, along with insufficient public participation. There is a lack of capacity in local authorities, professional services, and consultants to adopt a modern approach to disaster risk management. The current situation is further marked by the absence of a unified database on the spatial distribution of specific natural disasters, i.e., the determination of potentially critical zones (floods, landslide registers, torrents, etc.). The overall condition of the natural disaster protection system in Serbia is unsatisfactory, particularly regarding spatial aspects of risk management. Despite the steady increase in the number, frequency, and intensity of disasters, Serbia has not conducted a comprehensive scientific study to identify weaknesses and opportunities for improving the disaster risk management system. The weaknesses and limitations of formal legal regulations in disaster risk management, as well as the ineffective and untimely implementation and realization of legal solutions, urgently suggest the need for more serious scientific research projects to devise concrete and applicable proposals for changing existing legal regulations. Moreover, there is an increasing need to transform the system from a reactive approach to a proactive one, emphasizing and applying measures and activities to reduce disaster risk. Additionally, there is a lack of preventive measures to mitigate disaster consequences and insufficient public awareness of their significance. Practice shows the inability to overcome existing obstacles preventing disaster risk management system entities and forces from devising, developing, and implementing disaster risk reduction measures.
Based on the above, the main goal of the DISARIMES project is to support the development of an effective, improved, and sustainable disaster risk management system in Serbia, based on innovative measures and activities (educational, economic, social, normative, health, cultural, technological, political, institutional, etc.) aimed at improving community resilience to effectively, quickly, and systematically respond and recover from the consequences of various natural and man-made disasters. It will enable the strengthening of the disaster risk management system through research, development, and the implementation of innovative solutions in the phases of preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, and post-disaster phases. The project’s findings will assist decision-makers in Serbia in understanding the system’s deficiencies and provide innovative opportunities for improving its functioning in the face of increasingly frequent and severe disasters. By establishing a scientific and professional society in disaster risk management, sustainable and necessary conditions will be created for the transfer and enhancement of knowledge and experiences crucial to improving the operational capacity of the protection and rescue system of the Republic of Serbia in case of disasters. A key contribution of the research findings will be the creation of a sustainable knowledge base, supported by relevant information on innovative capabilities and solutions identified as necessary to significantly enhance social resilience. To achieve the set goals, DISARIMES will enable the clear identification and systematic categorization of objective deficiencies and barriers encountered by Serbia’s disaster risk management system in all phases before, during, and after disasters, through numerous SWOT analyses and other multimethod research (quantitative and qualitative) to determine and apply appropriate solutions (Figure 1).
In this regard, the specific goals are:
a) To define the natural conditions as fundamental factors for the occurrence of geohazards through the analysis of individual hazards and multi-hazard spatial databases containing compiled thematic maps and all resulting individual and multi-hazard maps, sensitive zone maps in various protected areas, monitoring maps of data and changes for the project period, and the quantification of monitored natural condition parameters and the development of potential models. This will involve using collected data for a complex analysis of natural conditions as fundamental factors for the occurrence of geohazards; compiling and processing existing documentation and data in analog and digital form; fieldwork (preliminary mapping of various natural conditions); mapping sensitivity to individual hazards; identifying protected natural resources, endangered habitats/biotopes/species, cultural and historical heritage; vulnerability assessment (mapping) of identified protected areas; creating individual and multi-hazard maps; defining and outlining the most endangered zones by overlapping identified protected areas and multi-hazard maps; detailed vulnerability assessment through various scenarios; redistribution of vulnerability levels based on the detailed vulnerability assessment mentioned above, which implies that the most endangered zones require intensified application of measures to protect values in the specified areas; analysis of existing planning documentation from the perspective of geohazard risks.
b) A developed and regularly updated Research, Development, and Innovation Roadmap (= RDI Roadmap), i.e., a database of innovative solutions and other relevant information for improving the disaster risk management system based on the results of multimethod research. It will enable all entities (state bodies, local government units, enterprises, citizens) and forces (police, fire-rescue units, emergency medical services, emergency management staff, legal entities) to reduce disaster risk (from citizens to state authorities) to more easily identify appropriate innovative capabilities and solutions necessary to raise the level of efficiency in disaster risk management. Furthermore, it will be regularly updated with new data results and analyses from multimethod (quantitative and qualitative) research and SWOT analysis, which will include the assessment and identification of strengths (advantages), weaknesses (shortcomings), opportunities (innovation potential), and threats to Serbia’s disaster risk management system. The roadmap aims to shape future research and innovation policies in disaster risk management in Serbia. It will involve the identification, assessment, and prioritization of potential research and social innovations in the field of disaster risk management and mapping important RDI-related needs and gaps.
c) To establish a dynamic scientific-practical community consisting of scientists, practitioners, and interested citizens in the field of disaster risk reduction, which will serve as a platform for knowledge and experience transfer, professional identification of shortcomings and obstacles, and innovative opportunities for improving the disaster risk management system. In addition, in its sustainable development, and after the project ends, it will provide a solid foundation for institutionalization
DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network — DAREnet
🌍 Join the Danube River Region Resilience Exchange Network (DAREnet)
The DAREnet project is part of the Horizon 2020 initiative, funded by the European Commission, and focuses on innovations in flood defense across the Danube region, created by expert teams, for expert teams.
🔹 What does DAREnet offer?
DAREnet is a dynamic network that brings together flood defense experts, government authorities, academics, industry professionals, and more. It allows for:
- Collaborative teamwork with local and European partners.
- Independent analysis of current flood defense shortcomings.
- Development of joint strategies to enhance future flood protection.
🔹 Building a resilient community
DAREnet connects a multidisciplinary community within civil protection organizations, supported by key stakeholders in policy, industry, and science. Together, we’re working towards an interdisciplinary system aimed at innovation and synergy throughout the Danube region.
🔹 Innovative strategies for flood protection
DAREnet publishes annual guidelines outlining the most important innovative opportunities to tackle natural challenges. These guidelines inform national and European authorities, fostering future innovation in flood defense.
What’s next?
- Civil protection training
- New methods, procedures, and technologies
- Spontaneous volunteer management
- Citizen resilience and communication
🌐 More info and the roadmap can be found here: [Link]
Together, let’s build a stronger, more resilient future for the Danube River region! #FloodDefense #Innovation #CivilProtection #Horizon2020 #DAREnet
Development of institutional capacities, standards, and procedures to combat organized crime and terrorism in the context of international integration
As a researcher, he was engaged in a project (2012-2017) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, titled “Development of Institutional Capacities, Standards, and Procedures to Combat Organized Crime and Terrorism in the Context of International Integration” (project no. 179045). This project was carried out by the Criminalistic-Police Academy in Belgrade. The primary objective of the project was to develop comprehensive frameworks and innovative strategies for strengthening the institutional capacities of relevant authorities in combating organized crime and terrorism, particularly in light of Serbia’s ongoing international integration efforts. The research aimed to enhance inter-agency cooperation, improve legislative and procedural standards, and provide critical insights into how global security trends influence national crime and counter-terrorism efforts. Throughout the project, interdisciplinary approaches were emphasized, involving collaboration between experts from various fields such as law enforcement, policy-making, academia, and technology. The project played a pivotal role in aligning Serbia’s domestic security framework with international norms and best practices, contributing to the creation of a safer and more resilient society.
Management of the Police Organization in Preventing and Combating Security Threats in the Republic of Serbia."
As a researcher, he was engaged in a project (2015-2018) titled ‘Management of the Police Organization in Preventing and Combating Security Threats in the Republic of Serbia.’ The Criminalistic-Police Academy was the lead institution for this project. The project aimed to develop advanced strategies and frameworks for managing police organizations in effectively addressing and mitigating a wide range of security threats. It focused on optimizing organizational structures, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing the coordination between law enforcement agencies to ensure a comprehensive approach to national security. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, the project provided valuable insights into modern policing techniques, enabling the development of innovative solutions for crime prevention and security threat management within Serbia.
National Security of the Republic of Serbia and Security Integrations
As a researcher, he was engaged in a project (2014-2015) titled ‘National Security of the Republic of Serbia and Security Integrations,’ which was conducted based on the decision of the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Academy (No. 18, 662/1) dated November 29, 2011. The project was approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia by official document No. 01, 2080/2011-2, dated February 28, 2011. The project aimed to analyze and enhance Serbia’s national security framework in the context of its integration into international security systems, focusing on improving the coordination between national security institutions and aligning domestic policies with global security standards. It explored key issues related to the country’s defense mechanisms and strategic security integrations, with an emphasis on ensuring long-term stability and resilience.
The Security of Students in School Facilities
He actively participated in the implementation of the seminar ‘The Security of Students in School Facilities,’ a program designed to address and improve safety measures within educational institutions. This seminar was included in the official Catalog of Professional Development Programs for Teachers, Educators, and Professional Associates for the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 school years, as well as for the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 school years. The seminar aimed to equip educational staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to create a secure environment for students, focusing on threat prevention, crisis management, and the enhancement of security protocols in school settings. By participating in this program, he contributed to the development of safety awareness among educators and the implementation of effective safety strategies in schools.
Science opportunities saving population
He participated in the preparation of an international project as the coordinator for Serbia under the Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-DRS-2015, Topic: DRS-10-2015, Type of action: CSA. The proposal number was 700501, with the acronym SOSP (Science Opportunities Saving Population). This project aimed to explore innovative scientific solutions for population safety in the face of disasters, focusing on improving resilience and response strategies. As the national coordinator for Serbia, he played a key role in coordinating efforts, ensuring the alignment of national priorities with the broader goals of the project, and facilitating collaboration between international partners in the areas of disaster risk reduction and population protection