Capacity Development of Local Self-Governments for Disaster Risk Management

Capacity Development of Local Self-Governments for Disaster Risk Management by Vladimir M. Cvetković  1,2,*, Jasmina Tanasić 3, Adem Ocal  4, Želimir Kešetović 1, Neda Nikolić 5 and Aleksandar Dragašević  5 1 Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, Gospodara Vučića 50, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia 2 Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Dimitrija Tucovića 121, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia 3 Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, 11103 Belgrade, Serbia 4 Independent Researcher, […]

Demographic, socio-economic and phycological perspective of risk perception from disasters caused by floods: case study Belgrade

Demographic, socio-economic and phycological perspective of risk perception from disasters caused by floods: case study Belgrade Jovana Perić1, Vladimir M. Cvetković2,* 1    Scientific-Professional Society for Disaster Risk Management, Belgrade; 2    Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, Gospodara Vucica 50, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia; *   Correspondence:; Received: date; Accepted: date; Published: date Abstract: Taking into account that floods are a […]